Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Once upon a time there was a teacher who realized he was just another brick in the wall.
Consequently, he decided to give in, to give up. He decided to commit social suicide and selling everithing to study and becoming a male-nurse. This way he could leave everything behind and devote his life to something really important: to make his children to be proud of him, to devote his life to help the others and tell almost averyone to go to the very hell.

Érase de un marinero
que hizo un jardín junto al mar
y se metió a jardinero.

Estaba el jardín en flor
y el marinero se fué
por esos mares de Dios

Monday, March 28, 2011

Cara al sol

I want to dedicate this song to all these students who attend classes just to gather their friends and not to do the slightest effort. For those who are conscientious-objector students. For these who don't listen not even a single word when the teacher is trying to talk. Don't worry, the song is in Spanish, so you don't need to make an effort. Chill out and then to watch telly, as ever (there's a new program about practical jokes). Please, do not dare to use your brand new brain! Maybe you could suffer for stress!


Sprezzatura (an Italian word originating from Baldassare Castiglione’s The Book of the Courtier)

An artist should show this kind of indifference to be considered actually good, because it infers that he/she does his/her works effortlessly. 
Do you agree? 

Bertolt Brecht (a German playwright)

"What kind of times are these, when a conversation about trees is almost a crime, becuuse it implies silence about so many horrors?"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Museo Reina Sofía

Museo Reina Sofía

Hi everyone!

This blog has been created for you, for we all. To share all the matters we could have about the subject and, specially, to provide the ones who really feel like to collaborate on it with a way of doing that.

This is the momment to brag... forget shyness and SHOW OFF !!!

I don't need to tell you that you can upload, show, ask, answer, complaint, collaborate... whatever you want. The only conditions are 2:
1.- Respect to everyone.
2.- Properness.

YOU are the future.

"Even If I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree."  Martin Luther King Jr.